09-06-2019 The WeChat offical account (微信公众号:生物材料与转化医学课题组) of Zhou's Group is online. Please follow us. Our new group website (最新课题组网站) is https://x-mol.com/groups/BMTMers.
30-10-2018 Dr. Zhou attends "The 10th China Shandong Domestic and Overseas High-end Talents Exchange fair and Weihai International Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference" and sign the contract on behalf of overseas students.
Dr. Patrick van Rijn and Dr. Lei Song are invited as advisors in Zhou's Group.
Before joining Qingdao University
19-06-2017 One paper collaborated with Wolfgang and Giulio from RWTH Aachen university is published by Stem cell reports (IF=7.338).
24-06-2016 The paper about "Mechanical Properties of Aligned Nanotopologies for Directing Cellular Behavior" was accepted by Advanced Materials Interfaces (IF=4.279). Advanced Materials Interfaces is the new sister journal to Advanced Materials.
01-02-2016 The paper about "Double Linear Gradient Biointerfaces for Determining Two-Parameter Dependent Stem Cell Behavior" was published by ChemNanoMat (IF=2.937). ChemNanoMat is a new journal published in close cooperation with the teams ofAngewandte Chemie and Advanced Materials.
08-10-2015 My first paper in Patrick Group is published by Scientific Reports (IF=4.259).
23-09-2015 One Paper with Huihua Yuan and Yanzhong Zhang from Donghua University is published by Biofabrication (IF=5.24).
11/15-05-2015 Qihui Zhou gave a successful presentation at the largest Materials Science conference in Europe, the E-MRS.
22-04-2015 My paper is published byJournal ofMaterials Chemistry B (IF=4.543).
01-10-2014 Qihui Zhou obtained a CSC-scholarship to join Patrick group for a four year PhD.